Saturday, November 26, 2011

Welcome back to Bruehl

Its been about 17yrs since I spend a wonderful 3mths here. Nothing much has changed, I still remembered how to get to the Kuesters from the train station. Last night we chatted for a bit and I showed Stefan and his parents photos from the last few years. Afterwards we went to his brothers restaurant which is backed on a Friday night. A touch I found especially nice was the dog food bowls around the restaurant as they are also welcome in his establishment. Then we went to a place called "Der Hutte" and didn't leave till 3am. I'm too old to go out that late. Not to mention the beer was inexpensive and went down way too fast. Neither of us go up till about noon. The bar was separated into two sections 40 and above were in the front chatting and drinking and 20feet further was the 20-30 age group dancing and drinking..We stayed a little in between we had a good time but now I need to do more laundry as I smell of smoke. I will be leaving Bruhl tomorrow morning by train to go back to Geilenkirchen.


  1. You`ll be recouperating when you get back!


  2. Glad you had a good time :) take it way tonight!
