Norway was ok .. We were not here long enough to do anything and it was expensive to do just about anything fun. I had planned on going here
PulPit Rock yesterday, but it was an hour taxi ride ($100) and a four hour hike (2hrs both ways) and then another taxi ride back to the hotel and I seem to think it was $50 to hike it also. Most activities surrounding Stavanger were outdoor, there were pathways just about everywhere, and some great fishing spots.
Our contact here told us that Norway has many "stories" and one of them was about the separations between rooms. For instance in my hotel room there was a 4 inch step into the bathroom. The reason for this separation was to hinder trolls from entering the room because trolls don't have knees and can't climb. I'm not making this stuff up!! Haha
The photo post it the old fire tower it was perched up on a very steep hill and it would let them see where the fire was located.
Now while I'm writing this I just realized our flight it Stavanger to Oslo and we really didn't need to be here two hours ahead of time...
Please forgive me for this post. Anne informed me how incoherent it is.. It was written in the morning on very little sleep.